distant collaboration in virtual reality
dis.co.vr - that stands for discovery and as a shortcut for: distant collaboration in virtual reality.
The Corona crisis radically changes the way we work together now and in the future. The associated working at a distance establishes new ways of communication and creative ways of bringing people together virtually. However, the widely used digital tools (such as teams, hangout, WebEx & Co) lack an essential dimension - physicality. As social beings, we humans miss tangible closeness or distance in shared communication, body language and gestures.
dis.co.vr is our Web-VR platform, which brings people together despite the real distance and creates a new form of spatial-digital closeness.
Hybrid collaboration.
Interacting together. In one room. Despite Corona.
As a result of the Corona crisis we are experiencing a physical distancing that presents us with a number of challenges.
How can we bring people together spatially in spite of a "contact block"?
How can we "simulate" the feeling of physicality and thus create more closeness again?
How can we make physical presence, spatial proximity and individual gestures at least "phygically" possible?
Design impossible spaces!Even if we long for real experiences, hybrid spaces will gain importance in the medium term, with the chance to create new approaches, accesses and interactions that are not possible even in the real world.
dis.co.vr - Lots to discover
Our office is our built business card for new work. Now there is a digital copy of this idea-foundry - virtually visitable with up to 30 participants per scene. Via VR headset or web browser.Within this best-practice scene for multiplayer collaboration, we would be happy to show you how we can also make your spatial communication a digital experience.
Playful communication.
Complex topics and contexts become spatially and playfully comprehensible. Exploring, trying out, demonstrating, meeting, sketching ideas and capturing them photographically. The playful interaction can be designed differently depending on the theme room and target group - from guided visitor groups to creative collaboration and workshops.
Advantage compared to the "real" room: Globally visitable and open around the clock - without travel costs. As a digital twin of a real model or as an independent (im)possibility room.
A new kind of proximity and cooperation in times of physical distancing.Ralf Nähring
Easy to dis.co.vr
VR only? NO!
Web-VR also works without glasses - via web browser. Even on the Smartphone.
For a real immersive experience, a VR headset is useful, as it translates body language, lip movement and gestures of the participants into the movement of their own avatar. In the web browser on the PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone the control is done by mouse and keyboard with the possibility to activate the own webcam and be visible in the VR scene.
Let's dis.co.vr !
Would you like a personal tour? Or would you like the immersive experience, but don't have VR glasses?
Then please send us an inquiry about your project and we will get your experience on the way.
dreiform GmbH
Halle 1D
Kalscheurener Straße 19
50354 Hürth/Cologne