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The Productive City

Neighborhood programming New mixed-use areas Stuttgart

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Concept study for new mixed-use areas

As part of the study, a flexible neighbourhood development model was designed and tested in selected test neighbourhoods in Stuttgart. The aim of the study is to bring more diversity and variety of use to urban neighbourhoods and usage programmes, to initiate new productive mixes and to show ways in which these can be implemented in lively projects.

The aim is to develop comprehensible models for new urban districts. Good future stories help to catalyze perspective development processes.
Clemens von Gizycki

Narratives for mixed neighbourhoods

Humans are narrative beings - stories are an expression of our identity, our consciousness and our relationships to the world and to others. Coherent and comprehensible storytelling is a process of connecting and linking existing and future building blocks of a new area. Relevant relationships must be recognised, established and combined in order to give different pieces of information an overarching meaning and to be able to present something new.

Good stories tie in coherently with what already exists and present it in a new light. In this way, they create orientation and motivation to participate. The promotion of the associated open communication enables exchange and stimulates positive energy for change.

Area concept - neighbourhood profile - user concept

The development of sustainable and practicable neighbourhood concepts is highly dependent on how the needs and expectations of future users are incorporated into the process and outcome. Target group-oriented solutions with functional and emotional added value are the key to successful acceptance and are derived directly from the defined neighbourhood profile.

Strategy & Context

  1. Questions

    How do we develop attractive and understandable guiding principles for new urban areas? What future stories can we tell that credibly connect to the living environment of future users? Which big picture is coherent and works in reality?

  2. Analysis of existing site qualities

    What is specific here? What characterises the place in particular? What is special here? What does the place stand for? What could be the core of a new concept?

  3. Needs in the neighbourhood, city, region

    Which topics have not yet found a place? Which offers are missing so far? Which user groups do not yet have their own location?

  4. Social trends and developments

    What new developments will the future bring - what are the megatrends? What are the regional or municipal developments? What do these developments mean for our neighbourhoods? What new concepts are emerging in the neighbourhood and elsewhere?

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