Understanding change & shaping the future
Shaping the future? In a world of constant change, together we face the task of developing sustainable and creative solutions for a future in which we all want to live. The central question that guides us: How can we not only be part of this change, but actively shape and drive it forward?
Salon D#7, entitled "Design for Transformation", is dedicated to the role and possibilities of design and creativity in this ongoing transformation process.
As always, we will shed light on the topic from the different perspectives of the invited panelists and invite you to join us for inspiration, discussion and networking over Kölsch and music.
Our Panelists
May 16th 2024
Admission: 6.00 pm
dreiform GmbH
Kalscheurener Straße 19 50354
- Inspiration (Pecha-Kucha-Style)
- Diskussion & Networking
- DJ & Drinks
Only cool is cool! Why the path to the 1.5°C economy needs new communication
Burst the bubble! How transformation can be shaped through interdisciplinary collaboration
Born to Evolve! If you don't evolve, you die!
Future Skill No.1? About our human superpower
Design Futuring Tools: How to explore and shape the future
Europe's largest landscaping site: about the development of a new region (on our doorstep)